Embarking on a journey that began with an exhilarating summer camp and culminated in accompanying our football team during their first playoff-worthy season in 15 years, our fall cheer season under the outstanding leadership of Coach Yesenia Peña was nothing short of extraordinary.
Last summer, Coach Peña arranged our attendance at an intensive cheerleading camp, where our athletes not only honed their skills but also forged bonds that would become the foundation of the team. The energy and dedication displayed during those summer days set the tone for the season ahead.
The team's infectious enthusiasm and unwavering support were felt on the sidelines, inspiring both the team and the fans. Traveling with our football team during their remarkable playoff-worthy season added an extra layer of excitement, creating an unforgettable synergy between cheer and football.
Looking ahead, Coach Peña and the entire cheerleading team are eagerly anticipating the basketball season. With their newfound skills, camaraderie, and spirit, we are confident that our cheerleaders will continue to shine and uplift our school community. The success of the fall season is a testament to the team and Coach's dedication, and we are excited about the continued positive impact they will bring to our athletic programs.