Grading Policies
Aeries Grades
In an effort to communicate grades to students and parents in a timely manner, grades will be updated in Aeries no later than the second Monday after the week that an assignment is due. For example, if an assignment is turned in during the second week of the quarter, the assignment grade will be updated in Aeries by Monday of the fourth week of the quarter. See the example calendar at right. Assignments that are turned in late may not be entered into Aeries following this schedule.
Access Aeries by going to: You can also download the Aeries App to access grades from your phone. If you do not have access to Aeries online, please contact the Office at 707-895-3496 or by emailing [email protected].
Late Work Policy
- Assignments turned in by the assignment due date are eligible to receive full credit.
- Assignments turned in up to one week past the due date may receive partial credit, as determined by the teacher’s grading policy.
- Assignments turned in more than one week late are not guaranteed to receive credit for the assignment, as per the teacher’s grading policy.
Teachers have the flexibility to grant extensions and assign partial credit on late assignments at their discretion.